[italian version]

"In order that the no man's land extend themselves to the rest of the world..."

This website, restyled and reborn, wants to be the every activists toolbox to fight against racism, concentration camps, prisons and state. All the battles of NoBorder. Our aim is to give the instruments to every activist to be able to conduct their own battles and analises, but we also share all the ones we have already done or are doing. In this way you can read about the issues we have brought up, boycott campaigns, direct actions and download flyers and banners. This is why we try and collect as much information as possible. All this is possible with good contrainquiries. It definetly will not be the system that will give us the key information to go against them. Only with cooperation on all levels between activists that are already working on these arguments. For these reasons we invite everyone to signal articals, documents, experieces, and all the facts and information that you want to share to make this vitual space as rich and thorough as possible.

Border=0 is a toolbox to pull down borders, concentration camps, prisons, to conquest free access to natural and tecnological resorces of the planet from below. To demolish the routes of deportation and the situations of privation and internment. For freedom of movement, socialization and comunication for everyone. In our world, where everyone are clandestines, none is illegal.

Border=0 is a megaphone: news [in italian], a space dedicated to the publication of information, appoitments, noborder and antiracist events! it is continously built and updated through our mailing list [borderzerolist@inventati.org].

Border=0 is a tong: space with documents dedicated to contrainquiries and all other usefull knowledges (articles, translations and indipendent-info) to start boycotting campaigns, direct actions and battles on antiracism and noborder issues. [in italian]

Border=0 is a notebook: you can find the archieves, with fragments of memory, articles and translations of informations from all over the world. Photo galleries of protest marches and dossiers of the past. [in italian]

Border=0 is a threat: action zone (still under costrution), is a space where you can put up drawrings, flyers, banners and stickers that you be able to download directly and "scatter" around your city.

other resources in english:


- - visitors by 13th july 2003