Treno per Dyarbakir

03/09/97 - 17.50 - Radio Onda Rossa REPORT

La situazione che vivono i compagni e le compagne che hanno partecipato al "Treno per Dyarbakir" (poi trasformato in aereo) e' pesantissima.

Attualmente l'albergo dove risiedono i compagni, nella parte europea di Istanbul, e' presidiato dalla polizia turca, tutte le camere vengono perquisite le uscite e le entrate sono state sbloccate da poco.

bandiera kurda Il tutto e' avvenuto dopo che una conferenza stampa indetta dai compagni in una piazza di Istanbul e' stata vietata e sul posto erano presenti ingenti forze corrazzate della Polizia. Cosi' la confernza con la stampa turca e' stata vietata e si e letto un comunicato all'interno dell'albergo.

Mentre si leggeva questo comunicato, la polizia ha "ritenuto" che si stesse svolgendo la conferenza stampa (comunicato che trattava delle violenze subite, dei fogli di via e comunque dell'impossibilita' per i compagni di raggiungere il Kurdistan etc.), la polizia ha fatto irruzione anche nell'albergo, ha inizialmente arrestato 3 compagne e in seguito alle proteste dei compagni ha effettuato una pesantissima carica all'interno dell'albergo, seguita da pestaggi e da numerosi feriti ed arresti circa 15, tra i tanti Dino Frisullo di SENZACONFINE (attualmente rilasciato, ma si rifiuta di abbandonare gli altri arrestati), viceconsole tedesco ed inglese. Attualmente quasi tutti i compagni stanno per essere rilasciati ed espulsi

Per oggi 03/09 l'appuntamento per organizzare delle mobilitazioni, per i compagni e le compagne di Roma, e alle 19,30 a San Lorenzo (Via dei Volsci)

Telefonata delle 17.30

Attualmente sono 21 gli arrestati ad Istambul durante le cariche subite dal gruppo di attivisti europei

Gli altri compagni hanno telefonato a Radio Onda Rossa da Istambul (parte europea), devono stare in albergo e non dare adito a conferenze stampa o simili pena altri arresti e pestaggi, che hanno coinvolto anche il personale diplomatico dell'ambasciata italiana

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Agenzie Stampa di ieri

Turkish Police Gag Kurdish "Peace Train" Group 

     ISTANBUL, Sept 3 (Reuter) - Turkish police on Wednesday
prevented activists calling for an end to the Kurdish conflict in
southeast Turkey from holding a news conference in Istanbul. 
     "We will not allow them to hold a news conference...You are
waiting in vain," Istanbul deputy police chief Mehmet Caglar told
reporters gathered near a landmark city hotel where the group
was set to make a statement. 
     Several hundred police, backed by an armored vehicle, were
deployed near the Pera Palas hotel, in the heart of European
     Security forces earlier this week stopped the foreign and
Turkish activists from holding a demonstration in the main
southeastern city of Diyarbakir and ordered a convoy of seven
buses to return to Istanbul. 
     The group had previously scrapped a trans-European "peace
train", planned by a pro-Kurdish group in Germany, after the
Turkish government exerted pressure on Western governments. 
     Ankara had said it believed the rebel Kurdistan Workers
Party (PKK), fighting for self-rule in the southeast, was behind
the trip. 
     Police official Caglar said the news conference was
forbidden under a law which bars demonstrations in Turkey by
foreigners who have not obtained prior permission. 
     Members of the group said on Wednesday a written statement
would be issued later. 
     The activists launched the "peace train" initiative as part
of a campaign to seek a negotiated end to 13 years of fighting
between the PKK and the Turkish state. More than 26,000 people
have died in the conflict.

Peace Activists Refused Entry To Turkish Capital 

     ANKARA, Sept 2 (Reuter) - Police backed by armored cars on
Tuesday stopped a convoy of buses carrying peace activists from
entering Turkey's capital city to campaign for a political
solution to the country's Kurdish conflict. 
     Witnesses said around 200 foreign and Turkish activists gave
up an attempt to drive into Ankara after a stand off with police
on a road on the outskirts of the city. 
     Police on Monday had prevented the convoy from reaching the
southeastern regional capital of Diyarbakir as part of a
large-scale operation to stop a planned pro-Kurdish demonstration
     Authorities had vowed to prevent the Diyarbakir rally, which
was intended to call for a peaceful end to 13 years of conflict
between Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels and troops. 

Police in Diyarbakir said more than 400 people had been detained
in and around the city on Monday but that only 14 people were
still in custody.

Turkish Police Stop Kurdish Demonstration 

     DIYARBAKIR, Turkey [sic], Sept 1 (Reuter) - Security forces
prevented a Kurdish demonstration in southeast Turkey's main city
on Monday, witnesses said.
     Police intercepted a convoy of seven buses bound for
Diyarbakir carrying foreign and Turkish activists and ordered it
to return to Istanbul. 
     Witnesses said a police helicopter hovered overhead as large
numbers of security personnel gathered to meet the convoy in the
town of Siverek, some 100 km (60 miles) short of Diyarbakir.
     Police also carried out strict identity checks on the roads
to Diyarbakir and detained several people. Armored cars were
positioned at key points in the city center. 
     Authorities had vowed to prevent a Kurdish demonstration in
Diyarbakir which was intended to call for a negotiated end to 13
years of conflict between Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)
rebels and troops. 
     Security officials said they had refused to allow a
seven-strong foreign delegation of peace campaigners to enter
Diyarbakir on Sunday. 
     Anatolian news agency said British anti-nuclear activist
Bruce Kent and a Labour Party peer were part of the delegation,
which was put back on board a plane to Ankara shortly after
flying into Diyarbakir. 
     A trans-European "peace train" trip, planned by a
pro-Kurdish group in Germany as part of the protest, was canceled
last week after Ankara put pressure on European countries through
which the train was to travel. 
     Turkey had said it believed the PKK, fighting for autonomy
or independence, was behind the planned trip. More than 26,000
people have died in the conflict, which began in 1984.

For A Free And Independent Kurdistan!
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