Fuoriuscite di petrolio, fiamme continue ed altre operazioni a forte impatto ambientale, hanno devastato la natura di questa regione e seriamente danneggiato la salute e le possibilità di sopravvivenza delle popolazioni locali.
Mentre si innalza sempre di piu' la tensione nella regione del delta del Niger [Nigeria] dove la popolazione e l'ambiente vengono massacrati dalla Shell appoggiata dal regime militare, appoggiato e tenuto in piedi a sua volta dalla multi anglo olandese, adesso la Shell sta aprendo un nuovo "fronte" nell'Amazzonia peruviana distruggendo l'ambiente e le popolazioni indigene primitive. Ancora una volta il profitto della Shell, ottenuto calpestando ambiente e comunita' locali, va a braccetto con i regimi dittatoriali come quello militare in Nigeria o quello assassino di Fujimori in Peru'.
La Shell estrae petrolio dal delta del Niger sin dal 1958.
"I nostri fiumi e i nostri ruscelli sono tutti ricoperti di petrolio. Da tempo non respiriamo più ossigeno, ma solo velenosi gas combusti. l'acqua non si può più bere, a meno che non si vogliano provare gli effetti del petrolio sul corpo umano. Non coltiviamo ne utilizziamo piuà ortaggi, sono contaminati."
Dal 1970, le comunità indigene del delta del Niger, hanno iniziato una protesta pacifica contro la Shell che ha distrutto il loro territorio. Le loro lotte sono state represse con violenza omicida. I militari nigeriani hanno sempre caricato e represso le manifestazioni (in un caso uccidendo più di 80 pwersone e demolendo 495 case).
- Dere Youths Association, 1970. A Protest Presented to Representatives of the Shell-BP Dev. Co of Nig. Ltd., following a blow-out at the Bomu oilfield.
Il carcere, la tortura, lo stupro ed altri abusi dei diritti umani sono la pratica comune verso chi si oppone alla Shell in Nigeria.
REMEMBER THE OGONI 9! TELL SHELL TO MOP UP ITS MESS! Week of November 10th: remembrances and protests list Locations are followed by a contact address (please contact them for location, time, and to help!), the planned events and a web page for more info (if applicable). US locations listed at bottom. *These are only those events that we are aware of.* *Please contact us to add your plans to the next list!* ARGENTINA Buenos Aires (dwysham@igc.apc.org or steve@moles.org) Oilwatch Press Conference at Conference of the Parties Signatory to the Climate Convention CANADA McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (munkm@muss.cis.mcmaster.ca) Nov 10: Shell demonstration Toronto (info@mosopcanada.org) -- Nov 7: Night of Commemoration and resistance -- Nov 8: Church Service followed by Shell demonstration -- Nov 10: Special Toronto Action, to be announced, & lecture at Coady International Institute http://www.essential.org/listproc/shell-nigeria-action/msg01106.html GERMANY (AKNigeria@aol.com ) Hamburg -- November 4, 8 pm: Theatre Play "Ken Saro-Wiwa - Blut für Öl" (Blood for Oil) -- November 12, 7.30 pm: "Democratization in Nigeria - a Chance for Ogoni?" Berlin -- November 10: "Does Democracy Get a Chance in Nigeria?" Hannover -- November 11, an evening with Diana Wiwa http://www.essential.org/listproc/shell-nigeria-action/msg01107.html INDIA Delta Force will be shown on TV IRELAND Dublin (dscstu@iol.ir) Ogoni 9 Remembrance Event, Ken Saro-Wiwa Anniversary Seminar, Church Remembrance Service http://www.essential.org/listproc/shell-nigeria-action/msg01097.html UNITED KINGDOM London (lynx@gn.apc.org) 07 Nov. 1998, Ken Saro-Wiwa Memorial Lecture 08 Nov. 1998, Memorial Church Service 10 Nov. 1998 Demonstration and laying of remembrance wreath at Shell and the Nigerian High Commission http://www.essential.org/listproc/shell-nigeria-action/msg01110.html ************************ UNITED STATES cities and universities Baltimore (maxo@igc.apc.org) Nov 14, Demonstration at Shell station (also see Johns Hopkins College, below) Belloit College, WI (lassiter@stu.beloit.edu) Nov 10: Delta Force showing Brown University, Providence, RI (Natalie_Lewis@postoffice.brown.edu) Delta Force showing Earlham College, PA (hinesad@earlham.edu, paulsjo@cs.earlham.edu) Nov 10, Delta Force showing Elon College, Burlington, NC (aquim5n0@elon.edu) Interested in holding an event, please contact if in area Hampshire College, MA (lns98@hamp.hampshire.edu) during the week, Delta force showing Harvard University (dschind@fas.harvard.edu, jeshapir@fas.harvard.edu) Nov10: tabling, Shell Protest, and evening Delta Force showing James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA (abercrew@jmu.edu) Nov 10: Delta Force showing Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD (shanawani@hotmail.com) Nov 10: Delta Force Showing Kent State (javanate@megsinet.net) Nov 10: Delta Force showing Lewis & Clark College (emmi@lclark.edu) Nov 10: Protest, Delta Force Showing Long Island, NY Cable TV showing of Delta Force (date unconfirmed) New Mexico State University, Las Cruses, NM (josepcar@nmsu.edu) Nov 16-20 is Justice Week, showing Delta Force and discussing justice solidarity Orange County, CA (gdjohnson2@juno.com) Nov 10, 7 pm, UC Irvine, Amy Goodman (host of Pacifica Radio's "Democracy Now!") talk on Nigeria and East Timor http://www.essential.org/listproc/shell-nigeria-action/msg01105.html Sarah Lawrence College, Westchester County, NY (pkirn@mail.slc.edu) Nov 11, showing of Delta Force ***interested in networking with New York state activists!*** St. Lewis (mvtanna@artsci.wustl.edu) -Noon - 2 pm, Saturday, November 7: Shell Picket -1 - 3 pm, Sunday, November 8: Worship Service -7 pm, Monday, November 9: Delta Force Video -7:30 pm, Tuesday, November 10: Ogoni Cultural Celebration http://www.essential.org/listproc/shell-nigeria-action/msg01121.html SUNY Buffalo (kdo@acsu.buffalo.edu) Nov 10: tabling, Delta Force showing University of Alabama (jentay@uab.edu) Nov 8&15: shell demonstrations Nov 10: Delta Force showing University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (aedmonds@umich.edu) Nov 10: Delta Force showing University of New Hampshire, contact? Nov 11, demonstration University of Washington, Seattle (ebrekke@u.washington.edu) Nov10: Delta Force showing University of Wisconson, Madison (jepeck@students.wisc.edu) Nov 10: demonstration, vigil and Delta Force showing Washington, DC (mwilson@essential.org) Nov10, 12-1pm, protest at Shell offices http://www.essential.org/listproc/shell-nigeria-action/msg01116.html -- Monica Wilson Essential Action P.O. Box 19405, Washington, DC 20036, 202.387.8030, 202.234.5176 (fax) mwilson@essential.org http://www.essential.org/action/shell/
e-mail: tactical@tmcrew.org